Recap – 2020 Oh what a year???!! Well I did start 2020 with having good intentions but they were very short lived. So I’m rolling them over to this year ?
My 2020 year started with the usual resolutions and for the first time ever I decided to book a last minute holiday and force my hubby away as he’d not had a proper beach summer holiday for a couple of years, so off to Tenerife we went at the end of February. We had a brilliant, relaxing time and the weather was gorgeous. We were one of the lucky ones because when we returned home to the UK we went into full lockdown due to the global Covid-19 virus just a couple of days later. What an experience this is turning out to be ?
Life suddenly became manic. Working at the local hospital was mad, my hubby’s work turned upside down overnight, the kid’s partners moved in and we all lived under one roof. Work life and home life suddenly became very busy, so all my good new year intentions went straight out of the window. I did really enjoy us all being together and we had some great laughs. But having big family meals every night meant loads of food, snacks and loads of alcohol!
Rejoice – As we eased out of lockdown in the summer both my sons managed to complete on their new houses and moved into their new homes in the autumn. My daughter’s new build house is being built and she and her boyfriend should be moving into their new home in the summer of 2021, something to look forward to and rejoice as that will be all my kids flying the nest, yayyy!
Something else to look forward to this year which is currently being rolled out, is the vaccine!. Our scientists have worked amazingly hard over the past months and have managed to produce a vaccine to hopefully save us from these incessant lockdowns and the dreaded virus. ??? Greater Manchester has been practically in lockdown since March (having only a short reprieve in September). Another reason to look forward to 2021 and rejoice is that our government have finally managed to secure Brexit, yahoo! So as we ended the awful year of 2020, I am optimistic that nothing can get any worse, whilst there are still challenges ahead, it is onwards and upwards ?, I for one will be looking forward not back and praying that our scientists knock the stuffing out of Covid-19 and help us all get our lives back to some sort of normality.
Restart – So here I am again… restarting yet another set of goals and resolutions. Another year gone, another year older but at least I am still here, for which I am thankful and my heart goes out to those families who have lost their loved ones to covid, cancer and other horrid disease and illnesses, those that have lost their livelihoods and those struggling with the pandemic and its restrictions. No matter how you live your life, this has been devastating and I pray that those worse affected will get back on track very soon.
So I’ve had a strong word with myself, it’s not going to be easy, nothing ever is. This is a new year, another year to have a go at restarting my blog / creativity, to lose some weight so watch this space ?
2020 has been a dreadful year and things can only get better, so they say!