To my beautiful daughter Emma who was 25 on Wednesday and to my gorgeous baby boys Max & Paddy who are 15 today!

They are both showing signs of old age now with Paddy struggling on his legs (probably arthritis) and my poor Maxi having major trauma with his eyes, having a corneal ulcer in his right eye and the vet advising that he has it taken out. OMG so distressing. Unfortunately his pre-op showed too high a risk of him going under so I decided against it and with lots of prayers I’m hoping he is not in too much pain. We are putting lots of drops in his eyes and painkillers when necessary. Poor Max he has always had so much trouble. I nearly lost him 3 and a half years ago, fortunately he pulled through to fight another day.
Everyday now with them both is a blessing in my eyes. They are my babies, my best friends, my emotional support having got me through a terrible time at the end of 2014/2015 (read about it here). Without them being dependent on me I don’t think I would have gotten out of bed at that time. But I had to function to look after them and they got me through a very depressing and emotional time. God Bless my babies Max and Paddy, I love you with all of my ❤️